Executives and personnel of the Faculty of Science and Technology attended a workshop
on “Enterprise Risk Management (Risk Management)”
Thursday 25 January 2024 from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., led by Associate Professor Dr.Chaisri Tarasawatpipat Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Assistant Professor Dr.Chinnawat Sasananan, Deputy Dean for Planning and Quality Assurance Miss Kamolthip Sattabusa, Head of Office and Ms.Sumitra Phromkhunthong Inchai, expert policy and planning analyst, participated in the workshop on “Enterprise Risk Management (Risk Management)” with Associate Professor Dr.Wittaya Mekkham, Vice President for Planning and Quality Assurance presided over the opening of this training at the Chokaew conference room, 5th floor, Building 31, organized by the Policy and Planning Division Office of the President Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.