Home > News > Meeting / Training > The Decagram, Knowledge Management Group of the Faculty of Science and Technology Organized a Meeting for Students’ Guidance and Counseling in Studying Throughout the Curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Technology
The Decagram, Knowledge Management Group of the Faculty of Science and Technology Organized a Meeting for Students’ Guidance and Counseling in Studying Throughout the Curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Technology

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2024-01-05 23:08:08

The Decagram, Knowledge Management Group of the Faculty of Science and Technology Organized a Meeting for Students’ Guidance and Counseling in Studying Throughout the Curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Technology

On 22nd December 2023, the Decagram, Knowledge Management Group by Mr.Warong Cheunkrut the Head of Academic Affairs together with members organized a meeting for Students’ Guidance and Counseling in Studying Throughout the Curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Technology. The objective is to enable students to study at the university properly, appropriately, and efficiently at the Office of Dean meeting room, 1st floor, 26 building, Faculty of Science and Technology.