Department of Science and Innovation Faculty of Science and Technology organized the 2nd "Chem, get good Chem, Chemistry Suan Sunandha" camp opening the experience for students to experience the career of a chemist
On Friday, December 19, 2024, Department of Science and Innovation organized a camp activity "Chem gets good Chem, Chemistry Suan Sunandha season 2" under the SMART SCIENCE classroom project the objective of this project was to practice chemistry practice skills to secondary school students publicize the course course and is also an activity to enhance professional skills and 21st century skills for students participating in this project there were 28 participants from 6 schools In the morning, the "Chem gets good Chem, Chemistry Suan Sunandha" camp was held for the second time with Assistant Professor Dr.Wanida Wonsawat, Head of the Department of Science and Innovation He was the one who welcomed the students at the project opening ceremony then it was divided into groups to conduct experiments on preparing substances. and quantitative substance analysis with a lecturer in the chemistry department as a lecturer and there are senior chemistry students in years 1-3 as group mentors In the afternoon, there was an operational skills competition participants will have to analyze the amount of phosphate in soft drink samples using a spectrophotometer this camp activity allows students to learn about the career of a chemist that plays a very important role in controlling the quality of products near us, see ya in Season 3!!!