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The Faculty of Science and Technology Co-Organizing the “Energy Transition & Climate Change Management (ETC)” 3rd Training Program

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2023-03-26 13:42:34

The Faculty of Science and Technology Co-Organizing

 the “Energy Transition & Climate Change Management (ETC)” 3rd Training Program

     1st March 2023 at 9.00 a.m., Dr.Suvit Thoranintrpanich the President Committees of Clean Energy for Peoples Foundation as chairman in the opening ceremony of the “Energy Transition & Climate Change Management (ETC)” 3rd Training Program. This training has been attended by the public sector, private sector, committees, and experts in the opening ceremony. This program has Mr.Wisarut Duangchinda the Assistant Secretary-General Of Renewable Energy Industry Club as a reporter at the Kesakomol building, Dusit District, Bangkok. In Design Principle: Passive & Active Design program has honored by Mr.Nitisak Chobdamrongdham the Administration Committee of PLAN ARCHITECT Co., Ltd., and Associate Professor Dr.Pantuda Puthipiroj the Special Lecturer of the Faculty of Architect, Silpakorn University as Expert in this training.