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The Biology Subprogram Organized a Field Study of Aquarium and Mangrove Conservation

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2024-04-17 10:37:29

The Biology Subprogram Organized a Field Study of Aquarium and Mangrove Conservation

On 1st April 2024, the Biology subprogram, Environmental Biology program organized a field study of aquarium and mangrove conservation for the 1st – 2nd year students of the Biology subprogram visit and field study in water resources biology enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of marine resource conservation. This is to enhance life experiences beyond on-site studies. The students have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and learn by themselves about the creatures and livelihoods of the different marine animals that inhabit the waters of Thailand. The knowledge resources are various types of marine life, including marine flora and fauna that inhabit each marine zoning ecosystem. The marine ecosystems from the Mangrove ecosystem, Rock Beach ecosystem, Sandy Beaches ecosystem, Muddy Beaches ecosystem, Coral Reef ecosystems, etc.

In addition, they studied the importance of the sea to humans, such as fishing grounds, marine fishing tools, and knowledge of aquaculture in freshwater, saltwater, and economic aquatic animals at the Institute of Marine Science, Burapha University, Chonburi province.